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woodworking glue suppliers

What are the types of wood adhesives

|2022-07-29T16:07:49+08:0029 7 月, 2022|Professional Articles|

What are the types of wood adhesives Classification by raw material source of adhesive Can be divided into natural adhesives and synthetic adhesives Classification according to the physical state of the glue heated It can be divided into thermosetting adhesives (liquid at room temperature, solidified and cured when heated), thermoplastic adhesives (solid at normal temperature,

Reasons for woodworking glue to open

|2022-07-20T17:39:00+08:0020 7 月, 2022|Professional Articles|

Reasons for woodworking glue to open 1. Moisture content of the bonding substrate White latex is a water-soluble adhesive, and its bonding principle also relies on wood fibers to absorb the colloid and then integrate it. If the moisture content of the bonding material is greater than 12%, the bonding surface will reduce the bonding

What are the tips for using wood glue?

|2022-07-13T16:21:45+08:0013 7 月, 2022|Professional Articles|

What are the tips for using wood glue? Wood plywood glue is often used in our daily learning and living environment, but when using wood plywood glue, methods and techniques are also possible. Below I will introduce and analyze the management skills of woodworking glue for you. What are the tips for using wood glue?

Wood glue manufacturers explain wood glue

|2022-07-08T16:35:46+08:008 7 月, 2022|Professional Articles|

Wood glue manufacturers explain wood glue I believe that everyone is familiar with wood glue, but most of the consumers are familiar with the application stage, and they do not know much about the characteristics of wood glue. Don't assume that you don't need to know this expertise without doing research. In-depth understanding of the
