When it comes to bookbinding, there are several options available. One popular method is PUR binding, which stands for “polyurethane reactive” binding. In this article, we will explore what PUR binding is, its benefits, and why it may be the right choice for your bookbinding needs.

What is PUR Binding?

PUR binding is a type of perfect binding that uses a specialized adhesive made from polyurethane. This adhesive is applied to the spine of the book and allowed to cure, resulting in a strong, durable bond. The adhesive is designed to be more flexible and resistant to temperature changes than other types of bookbinding adhesives, making it ideal for use in books that will be exposed to varying conditions.

Benefits of PUR Binding

One of the biggest advantages of PUR binding is its strength and durability. The polyurethane adhesive used in PUR binding creates a bond that is stronger than other types of bookbinding adhesives, such as hot melt glue or traditional perfect binding adhesive. This makes PUR binding ideal for books that will be frequently used or subjected to harsh conditions.

Another benefit of PUR binding is its flexibility. Because the adhesive is designed to be more flexible than other types of binding adhesives, it can accommodate changes in temperature and humidity without cracking or becoming brittle. This makes PUR binding a great choice for books that will be stored or used in different environments.

Why Choose PUR Binding?

There are several reasons why you may choose PUR binding for your bookbinding needs. If you are looking for a strong, durable binding method that can withstand frequent use and harsh conditions, PUR binding is an excellent choice. Additionally, if you are binding books with a high page count, PUR binding may be a better option than other binding methods, as it can accommodate thicker books.


PUR binding is a popular bookbinding method that offers many benefits over other binding methods. Its strength, durability, and flexibility make it an excellent choice for books that will be frequently used or exposed to varying conditions. If you are looking for a binding method that will provide a long-lasting, reliable bond, PUR binding may be the right choice for your bookbinding needs.